Tuesday 13 May 2014

Suggested Action

Heavily urbanized wetland periphery is a major management challange

Suggested Action : 

It is proposed to begin the task of wetland preservation using a modified technique to achieve workable information in the least possible time and this is where ‘Rapid Appraisal Survey’ comes in. Rapid appraisal survey, as a technique, will be collection of baseline information. It will still be necessary, in few cases, to carry out detailed evaluation depending on the resource potential and ecosystem variety of the wetland. Furthermore, the appraisal will have to be reviewed from time to time to guide necessary changes in planning, arising out of contingencies.

Research, Investigation and Training
While developing wetland programmes, the problem of weak research support, shortage of trained wetland managers and technical assistants, has to be dealt with. It is necessary to build these support systems with a sustained effort.

The general trend in scientific research still remains confined within laboratories and the tendency of safe research is largely predominant amongst most of the doctoral candidates. The most serious gap, here, is the inability of the scientific community to appreciate the significance of traditional practices in the use of land. No formal training is available to study the nature of land and suggest ways for more efficient use of land. These defects will have to be rectified before expecting significant changes to take place in the entire effort of development of wetlands.

This is a joint and these are the places land use in East 
Kolkata Wetlands is discussed more intensely and imaginatively than any research institutions, university departments, non-profit organisations or 
places of governance anywhere else in the world. 

Action points:
To study the existing resource systems and traditional uses of wetland.

To carry out benefit estimations and impact assessments of developmental projects and actions relating to use of wetland.

To prepare classified inventory of unutilized and under-utilized wetlands.

To train the participants in wetland developmental efforts through tutorials and on the field activities.
School Children learning about wetlands