Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Suggested Action

Heavily urbanized wetland periphery is a major management challange

Suggested Action : 

It is proposed to begin the task of wetland preservation using a modified technique to achieve workable information in the least possible time and this is where ‘Rapid Appraisal Survey’ comes in. Rapid appraisal survey, as a technique, will be collection of baseline information. It will still be necessary, in few cases, to carry out detailed evaluation depending on the resource potential and ecosystem variety of the wetland. Furthermore, the appraisal will have to be reviewed from time to time to guide necessary changes in planning, arising out of contingencies.

Research, Investigation and Training
While developing wetland programmes, the problem of weak research support, shortage of trained wetland managers and technical assistants, has to be dealt with. It is necessary to build these support systems with a sustained effort.

The general trend in scientific research still remains confined within laboratories and the tendency of safe research is largely predominant amongst most of the doctoral candidates. The most serious gap, here, is the inability of the scientific community to appreciate the significance of traditional practices in the use of land. No formal training is available to study the nature of land and suggest ways for more efficient use of land. These defects will have to be rectified before expecting significant changes to take place in the entire effort of development of wetlands.

This is a joint and these are the places land use in East 
Kolkata Wetlands is discussed more intensely and imaginatively than any research institutions, university departments, non-profit organisations or 
places of governance anywhere else in the world. 

Action points:
To study the existing resource systems and traditional uses of wetland.

To carry out benefit estimations and impact assessments of developmental projects and actions relating to use of wetland.

To prepare classified inventory of unutilized and under-utilized wetlands.

To train the participants in wetland developmental efforts through tutorials and on the field activities.
School Children learning about wetlands

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Wetland Preservation

EKW is one of those places on earth where there is no distinction made between human and sauna. They live seamlessly with each other.

Living creatively with nature

Wetland Preservation
The major problems confronting the wetlands are

  • Encroachment
  • Siltation
  • weed infestation
  • pollution 
  • indiscriminate aquaculture. 

The combined threat of these factors has given rise to the following problems:

• Decrease in biological diversity particularly endemic and endangered species;

• Deterioration of water quality;

• Sedimentation and shrinkage in the area;

• Decrease in migratory bird population, fish and other faunal productivity;

• Prolific growth of obnoxious aquatic weeds damaging vegetation cover.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Function of the East Kolkata Wetland Management Authority (EKWMA)

Function of the East Kolkata Wetland Management Authority (EKWMA)
The East Kolkata Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Act 2006 represents an integral landmark for establishing an appropriate institutional regime for managing this Ramsar Site. The Act termed EKW as a Wetland of International Importance and its various ecosystem services, including regulation of water regime, mechanism for waste water treatment as source for underground water recharging and other socio cultural values. It also recognized the immense urbanization pressure on the wetland and the need to prevent its conversion for alternate uses. Any further diminution of the wetland area, change in its (ecological) character, and land use was banned under the act.

It paved way for establishment of the East Kolkata Wetland Management Authority for conservation and management of the wetlands and identified the following fuctions:-

  • Demarcation of the wetland boundaries, detecting changes in ecological character and land use and enforcing land use control 
  • Preventing any unauthorized developmental project within the boundaries of the wetland system 
  • Preventing any mining, quarrying, blasting or any similar operation to protect and conserve the wetland system 

  • Undertaking measures to abate pollution and conserving the wetland biodiversity 
  • Promoting research and networking with other Ramsar sites 
  • Raising awareness on wetlands in general and EKW in particular
  • Promoting conservation principles like sewage-fed fisheries and eco-tourism
  • Improving community livelihoods and quality of life 
EKWMA is also undertaking efforts for grave improving community livelihoods and quality of life while ensuring maintenance of ecological character of the wetland system.

A number of villages in EKW are affected by grave arsenic contamination. The authority has therefore granted permission to the KMC (Kolkata Municipal Corporation) for setting up of a water treatment plant at Dhapa to provide purified drinking water.

The sanitation situation within EKW also needs urgent attention. A survey was carried out to understand the exact extent of the problem. Data on access to toilets, drinking water sources and availability, diseases, status and adequacy of access to community health infrastructure was compiled. This data will form the basis of implementation of a comprehensive community health programme. The main aim of the programme would be to greatly improve the existing sanitation facilities.

Limited afforestation programmes have also been taken up within the wetland area with financial support of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, with an objective of enhancing local hydrological regimes and access to non wood based products. The locations were identified in consultation with the communities and considering the hydrological and ecological aspects. A total of 5000 seedlings, comprising a mixture of both deciduous and evergreen varieties were planted in the selected sites with the help of local residents, school children and clubs.

Further, the authority has identified 35 villages for electrification. This work will be funded by CESC (Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation) for installation of 220 KV overhead power line through EKW, without causing any land use change.

Over 20000 households live within the wetland complex

Bamboo provides an important livelihood option

Thursday, 1 May 2014

The wetlands and “PUBLIC”

Fish from farms is being transported in bundles to market

The wetlands and “Public”

In 1992, a case study on EKW was presented in the expert committee meeting of the Ramsar Convention and the site was declared as the only Indian case study on wise use of wetlands in a document published by the same name by the Ramsar Convention Secretariat, initiating the process of declaration of the site as a Wetland of International Importance. Thus, when the idea of establishing a World Trade Centre on the wetland was mooted in 1991, a group of non-government organizations, notable of which was ‘PUBLIC’ (People United for Better Living in Calcutta) filed a writ petition in the Calcutta High Court, asking directions of the state authorities to protect the wetlands and maintain their character, in particular, preventing their reclamation as well as change in land use from agriculture to residential or commercial uses. ‘PUBLIC’ was strongly against the urbanization of natural beauty, a predicament which plagues almost every country in the world today. The court ruled in favour of maintaining the overall environmental values of the wetland system and banned any conversion or changes in land use.

The East Kolkata Wetlands Management Authority

EKWMA is an authority formed under the State Legislation in 2006 as per the East Kolkata Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Act. It has been entrusted with the statutory responsibility for conservation and management of the EKW area. The main task of the authority is to maintain and manage the existing land use along with its unique recycling activities, for which the Wetlands has been included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance during the Ramsar convention on Aug 19, 2002.

Celebration of World Wetlands Day in EKW